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Sabtu, 28 April 2012

Khusus Bukan Berbeda, Tak Bisa Dipaksakan Sama

Telah jamak didengar dalam dunia pendidikan akan kata sekolah inklusi. Ya, sekolah yang menerima Anak Berkebutuhan Khusus (ABK) untuk mengikuti proses belajar bersama siswa yang lain (Emawati,2008). Adanya sekolah inklusi ini ditujukan untuk menghilangkan tembok pemisah antara ABK dan anak lainnya. Namun kiranya pemerintah masih belum berpikir panjang atau mungkin terlalu terburu-buru mencanangkan pendidikan inklusi.
Alasan pemerintah mencanangkan dan menjalankan sekolah inklusi adalah adanya gap antara ABK dan anak umum lainnya di masyarakat. Selain itu persoalan terbatasnya jumlah guru Pendididkan Luar Biasa (PLB) juga menjadi alasan dijalankannya program inklusi ini. Tujuannya memang baik, yaitu memeratakan dan menyamakan pendidikan kepada semua anak, membiasakan ABK untuk berinteraksi dengan anak-anak pada umumnya, serta memberikan jalan keluar akan kesulitan SLB karena terbatasnya jumlah guru PLB. Namun sudahkah pemerintah melihat kenyataan yang terjadi pada ABK di sekolah inklusi sekarang ini?

Senin, 23 Januari 2012

Character Building

The Importance of Character Building at School

            Indonesia is a rich country. The human resources in Indonesia attain in large amount, but what a pity, there are many corruption cases happened. From this thing we know that Indonesia needs high qualified from human resources. To fulfill those things, it needs a real action, one of the ways is through education. As all know that education is important part in nation progress, but this time the orientation of education is like a shadow. Many new forming systems happened to make orientation of education clear. Now, one of the new forming systems that often to talk is ‘Character Building’. Character building is an investment system of character values to school family that include of knowledge consciousness and action to commit these values, towards the God, our self, peers, environments, also the nation that make perfect human (Prasetya, A & Revasinta, E.(2011)). The character building at school is important for this time, but do we know why character building at school is important?  There are three reasons that become a background from the importance of character building at school, such as the ineffective of character education at home, the unsuccessful of educational system in Indonesia and the relation with purpose of education in Indonesia.

Minggu, 22 Januari 2012

My Reflection in ICT session

What I think?

Three month I spend my time to study in my lovely collage. It is the start, but I get much knowledge. One of the subjects that I get is ICT. I want to share my memorable in ICT session on November 27, 2011.

One of Good Books

Perahu Kertas

It is a book that created by Dewi Lestari. All people already know who Dewi Lestari is. I love this book, and I must write the summary from this book to make me remember about the contain of this book.
            This book tells us about four friends,they are Keenan,Kugy,Eko and Noni. Keenan is a boy who has talent to be a painter,but he has agreement with his father who force him to continue his study in Economics. Kugy is girl who has a dream to be a story teller. She continues her study in Faculty of Arts. Keenan and Kugy are met through Eko and Noni. Eko is Keenan’s cousin,and Noni is Kugy’s best friend. They all study in Bandung.

We are Succesful Person

We are Successful Person

    Everyone has a wish that someday they want to be successful person. It is the universal thinking in every brain in every people. Not difficult to make the wishes come true. We can make our wish become true and make impossible dreams possible. The important of all are we must know the tips to make it true. Start from our mind, our heart, and our action.

We must know it

Do you know what the bad effect from using Personal Music Player inappropriate?

Come on we know it.

    Personal Music Player

    ScienceDaily (Oct.14,2008) – Scientific Committee on Emerging and Newly Identified Health Risks (SCENIHR) releasing the dangerous about listening to personal music players with high volume during a long time can make our hearing system permanently damage. According to scientific opinion, 5-10 % of personal music player listeners risk permanent damage on their hearing system. This matter happened if they listen to a personal music player for more than one hour per day with high volume setting.

Kisah inspirasi

This is one of inspiration story based from my beloved person.
Life is not easy.
Life is struggle.

Hidup Tidak Mudah

    Hidup memang sulit untuk ditebak, namun kisah hidup menarik untuk diketahui. Seperti halnya cerita berikut ini. Seorang lelaki bernama Mustofa yang hidup di desa kecil yang terletak di sebuah kota kecil. Dengan berlatar belakang keluarga petani ia terbiasa hidup dengan keadaan yang sederhana. Ia melalui masa sekolahnya dengan penuh keprihatinan. Ia berangkat dan pulang sekolah dengan berjalan kaki melalui sawah dan jalan setapak tanpa alas kaki. Kemudian ia membantu berladang orang tuanya seusai sekolah. Setelah menyelesaikan masa sekolah menengah akhirnya ia berkeinginan untuk mendapatkan pekerjaan. Ia harus menahan dan mengabaikan keinginan untuk belajar lebih tinggi karena ia memikirkan kelima adiknya yang juga harus mendapatkan pendidikan di sekolah. Ia mencoba apapun yang ia bisa untuk mendapatkan uang. Mulai dari bertani, bekerja di bidang kesenian, bahkan menjadi juru dekorasi pengantin.